Resource characterisation of quantum entanglement and nonlocality in multipartite settings

  1. Contreras Tejada, Patricia
  1. Julio I. de Vicente Majúa Zuzendaria
  2. Carlos Palazuelos Cabezon Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 2021(e)ko uztaila-(a)k 14

  1. David Pérez García Presidentea
  2. Angelo Lucia Idazkaria
  3. Ana Belen Sainz Kidea
  4. Marcus Huber Kidea
  5. Adán Cabello Quintero Kidea
  1. Análisis Matemático Matemática Aplicada

Mota: Tesia


Quantum technologies are enjoying an unprecedented popularity, and some applicationsare already in the market. This thesis studies two phenomena that are behind a lot ofquantum technologies: entanglement and nonlocality. We focus on multipartite systems,and ask what con gurations of those systems are more useful than others. `Usefulness'takes on dierent meanings depending on the context, but, roughly speaking, we aim formore entanglement or more nonlocality.Chapter 2 is motivated by an important issue with traditional resource theories ofmultipartite entanglement: they give rise to isolated states and inequivalent forms ofentanglement. We propose two new resource theories that do not give rise to theseproblems: the resource theory of non-full-separability under full separability-preservingoperations, and the resource theory of genuine multipartite entanglement (GME) underbiseparability-preserving operations. Further, the latter theory gives rise to a uniquemaximally GME state...