Resource characterisation of quantum entanglement and nonlocality in multipartite settings

  1. Contreras Tejada, Patricia
Dirixida por:
  1. Julio I. de Vicente Majúa Director
  2. Carlos Palazuelos Cabezon Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 14 de xullo de 2021

  1. David Pérez García Presidente
  2. Angelo Lucia Secretario
  3. Ana Belen Sainz Vogal
  4. Marcus Huber Vogal
  5. Adán Cabello Quintero Vogal
  1. Análisis Matemático Matemática Aplicada

Tipo: Tese


Quantum technologies are enjoying an unprecedented popularity, and some applicationsare already in the market. This thesis studies two phenomena that are behind a lot ofquantum technologies: entanglement and nonlocality. We focus on multipartite systems,and ask what con gurations of those systems are more useful than others. `Usefulness'takes on dierent meanings depending on the context, but, roughly speaking, we aim formore entanglement or more nonlocality.Chapter 2 is motivated by an important issue with traditional resource theories ofmultipartite entanglement: they give rise to isolated states and inequivalent forms ofentanglement. We propose two new resource theories that do not give rise to theseproblems: the resource theory of non-full-separability under full separability-preservingoperations, and the resource theory of genuine multipartite entanglement (GME) underbiseparability-preserving operations. Further, the latter theory gives rise to a uniquemaximally GME state...