Aplicación de criterios PRISCUS, STOPP y Beers en la detección de prescripciones potencialmente inapropiadas en el paciente mayor polimedicado

  1. Agustin Sierra, Lorena de
Supervised by:
  1. Benito García Díaz Director
  2. Irene Iglesias Peinado Director
  3. J. Rodríguez Salazar Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 25 March 2021

  1. Juana Benedí González Chair
  2. José Antonio Romero Garrido Secretary
  3. Estrella Díaz Gómez Committee member
  4. Eva Delgado Silveira Committee member
  5. María del Carmen Lozano Estevan Committee member
  1. Farmacología, Farmacognosia y Botánica

Type: Thesis


During the different stages of life, the body undergoes physiological changes in various anatomical structures that affect both pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic levels. Although these changes are continuous, it is in the elderly where they take on great relevance.The elderly population is usually characterized by presenting a high therapeutic complexity that makes them more susceptible to the effects of certain drugs, which can lead to possible adverse effects, increased length of hospital stay, increased number of readmissions and increased morbidity-mortality.That is why the selection of appropriate drugs in this population is very important.In order to this, to identify these Potentially Inappropriate medication (PIM) implicit and explicit criteria were developed...