Falsedad y corrupción en las tragedias de John Webstera partir de The Duchess of Malfi

  1. Pooyá, Mojgán
Supervised by:
  1. Félix Martín Gutiérrez Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 17 December 2020

  1. Isabel Durán Giménez-Rico Chair
  2. Elena Martínez Caro Secretary
  3. José Antonio Gurpegui Palacios Committee member
  4. Boris Vejdovsky Committee member
  5. Claudia Alonso Recarte Committee member

Type: Thesis


In the present thesis, through the analysis of two great tragedies of the Early Modern Age, The Duchess of Malfi and The White Devil, making the former the axis of study, it has been tried to discover the textual strategies used for creation their cohesion,as well as to explore the mental labyrinth of their author, John Webster, for the apprehesion of the different aspects of deceit and corruption dominant in society, during the historical period in which he lived, although the idiosyncratic characteristics of this Jacobean dramatist make him transcend the specificities of hisown era and achieve timelessness...