Perfil del farmacéutico en el ámbito de la nutrición a nivel europeo

  1. Samaniego Sánchez, Cristina
  2. Mesías García, Marta
  3. Artacho Martín-Lagos, Reyes
  4. Blanca Herrera, Rosa María
  5. Cabrera Vique, Carmen
  6. García-Villanova Ruiz, Belén
  7. Giménez Martínez, Rafael
  8. Guerra Hernández, Eduardo
  9. López García de la Serrana, Herminia
  10. Navarro Alarcón, Miguel
  11. Olalla Herrera, Manuel
  12. Quesada Granados, J.
  13. Rufián Henares, José Ángel
  14. Ruiz López, María Dolores
  15. Villalón Mir, Marina
Ars pharmaceutica

ISSN: 2340-9894 0004-2927

Argitalpen urtea: 2010

Alea: 51

Zenbakia: 1

Orrialdeak: 435-442

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Ars pharmaceutica


Once graduated, the pharmacist can choose a high number of professional skills, both in public and private sectors. The most frequent professional skills of the pharmacist can be included in 4 different fields: Pharmacy Office (Communitary Pharmacy), Hospital Pharmacy, Distribution and Pharmaceutical Industry or Analysis and Public Health. At the pharmacy office level, the pharmacist, along with the medicines dispensation, exercises an out-standing role as health adviser. The statistics reveal that 25% of the pharmacy customers do not acquire medicines, but they only ask for a sanitary advice, including nutrition and dietetic consultations. Moreover, in the last years nutritive supplements have been included within the pharmaceutical sales. Thus, the pharmacist should be formed about nutritional topics. Another professional skill, like the pharmaceutical inspection, includes drinkable water and non-animal foodstuffs analyses. Then, the pharmacist should have a wide knowledge on legislation, health and food analysis. On the other hand, the pharmaceutical industry includes a wide variety of professional skills, including technical direction, quality control, commercial management, scientific documentation or analysis. Finally, the agro-alimentary industry has experienced important changes in the last decades, demanding professionals in the matter, like dietitians or food analysts. In this sense, the pharmacist, across the new degree in Pharmacy, must acquire a solid base in the nutrition and bromatology field. Therefore, the competences gathered in the Disposition CIN / 2137/2008 reveals the importance of the formation of the future pharmacist in the nutrition area.