Ensayo clínico sobre el uso de productos barrera tras cirugía de mama
- Mudarra García, Natalia 1
- Naranjo Peña, Inés 2
- Martín González, José 3
- Jiménez Galiano, Ana Belén 2
- Pérez Muñoz, Raúl 4
- 1 Doctora en Cuidados en Salud. Profesora asociada de la UCM. Enfermera en el Hospital Universitario Infanta Cristina de Parla (Madrid)
- 2 Enfermera en el Hospital Universitario Infanta Cristina de Parla (Madrid)
- 3 Supervisor de consultas externas en el Hospital Universitario Infanta Cristina de Parla (Madrid)
- 4 Médico de familia en el Centro de Salud Huerta de los Frailes de Leganés (Madrid)
ISSN: 2605-3152
Year of publication: 2020
Issue Title: Conocimiento Enfermero
Volume: 3
Issue: 9
Pages: 5-12
Type: Article
More publications in: Conocimiento Enfermero
The skin care of the patient after breast surgery, are important to prevent and promote the occurrence of injuries that may cause complications that compromise the skin. Goals.The main objective of our study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the use of a protective barrier spray for the prevention of maceration and skin irritation in the surgical patient and to evaluate the effectiveness of the application of aerosol for the removal of adhesives to prevent lesions in the skin. Materials and methods. A clinical trial without medications was carried out in which we evaluated 30 patients where it was compared if there were complications in the skin caused by the use of dressings in the different groups of patients: Control group (patients undergoing breast surgery who applied adhesive dressings during the post-surgical cures and no type of barrier method, no adhesive remover spray was applied and study group (patients undergoing breast surgery who were subjected to a barrier method for the placement of adhesive dressings and removable adhesive spray for the removal of the same). Results. Statistically significant differences have been obtained when comparing pain (0.001), skin complications (<0.001) and type of complications (0.001) between both groups. Conclusion. Skin lesions are reduced after the use of a barrier method before the dressing is placed and after the use of spray removers for removal.
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