Entre sólidos y ausenciasLa escritura del cuerpo como duelo en Aparecida de Marta Dillon
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
ISSN: 2174-8713
Year of publication: 2020
Issue Title: El olvido está lleno de memoria: la memoria y sus manifestaciones en las literaturas hispánicas
Issue: 12
Pages: 179-191
Type: Article
More publications in: Cuadernos de Aleph
Aparecida (2015), written by the Argentine writer Marta Dillon, belongs to the extensive literary tradition of HIJOS because of common characteristics: the evocation of the condition of child-activist, the temporary swinging between past and present, the importance of daily life and the particular affective link by which the authors bring back figures of their parents. However, this affiliation is also marked by an ineludible innovation: the discovery of Dillon’s mother corpse allows the author to name her as an apparition and to be responsible herself of a turning point in her literary generation. The following article pretends to explore this novelty by explaining the text as a constant search of solids in the abstraction of absence and by considering the bones found as the element that enables the writing.
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