La cera de abejas como materia de expresión plástica y sus aplicaciones desde el siglo XX a la actualidad

  1. Fernández Blanco, Susana
Supervised by:
  1. Elena Blanch González Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 02 December 2021

  1. Pedro Angel Terrón Manrique Chair
  2. Francisco Gómez Jarillo Secretary
  3. Lale Altunel Committee member
  4. Marva Lopez Committee member
  5. María Jesús Abad Tejerina Committee member
  1. Escultura y Formación Artística

Type: Thesis


This research aims to provide a clear look at the current use of beeswax in the arts. It also makes a brief historical reference prior to the 20th century to enable the reader to fully understand how this medium has been used throughout history. To fulfil the objective of understanding and assessing the use of this material, artists were sought out who are currently using this material or who have used it at any timein their artistic careers. After locating them, their works were studied to learn seven specific aspects: their experience as artists, reasons for choosing beeswax as a medium, their technique, how they learned it, their opinion on the use of this material, their concern for ecology and their interest in disseminating the knowledge and experience they have acquired. Forty percent of the artists presented in this thesis have completed a questionnaire, thus giving this study valuable appendices with the original thoughts and opinions of the artists themselves. An artistic practice was conducted in encaustic painting using a variety of techniques learned throughout the research process.The results obtained will be of significant use for future research and for anyone interested in beginning to use this medium.