Caracterización de la medida clínica de la desviación ocular y la disparidad de fijación

  1. Cebrian Lafuente, Jose Luis
Dirixida por:
  1. Beatriz Antona Peñalba Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 26 de novembro de 2021

  1. Ricardo Bernárdez Vilaboa Presidente
  2. Jesús Carballo Álvarez Secretario
  3. Maria Teresa Garcia Anton Vogal
  4. María Luisa Sánchez Rodríguez Vogal
  5. Carmen López de la Fuente Vogal
  1. Optometría y Visión

Tipo: Tese


The quality of the clinical measure is essential both in patient care, for research and its correct development. Without an accurate measurement, the clinical follow-up of a patient and the success or failure of his treatment would not be detected.The most important characteristics of a test are repeatability, validity, and discriminative ability. These test must have a high repeatability and a good discriminatory capacity to be valid.From a clinical point of view, the analysis of ocular deviation is of great importance when evaluating the state of the binocular visual system. A successful diagnosis of binocular vision disorders requires an accurate and reliable assessment of the ocular deviation in far and near vision. Therefore, in this study for the development of the doctoral thesis, it was determined which are the most repeatable test, both intra and inter-examiner and if they are interchangeable for the follow-up of each patient...