Polifarmacia, interacciones farmacológicas y medicamentos potencialmente inapropiados en pacientes infectados por VIH que reciben tratamiento antirretroviral en la Comunidad de Madrid

  1. Lopez Centeno, Beatriz
Supervised by:
  1. Juana Benedí González Director
  2. Juan Berenguer Berenguer Director
  3. María José Calvo Alcántara Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 05 October 2021

  1. Irene Iglesias Peinado Chair
  2. Benito García Díaz Secretary
  3. Miguel de Górgolas Hernández-Mora Committee member
  4. Juan Emilio Losa García Committee member
  5. P. Sanmartín Fenollera Committee member
  1. Farmacología, Farmacognosia y Botánica

Type: Thesis


The life expectancy of HIV-infected individuals has dramatically increased since combination antiretroviral therapy has been available and continues to improve.As a consequence of improved survival, HIV-infected individuals in developed countries are growing older, meaning that they may be at higher risk of both comorbid diseases and harm from polypharmacy, risks that likely increase with age and physiologic frailty.Major concerns associated with polypharmacy include increased pill burden, decreased medication adherence, increased risk of clinically relevant drug-drug interactions, potentially inappropriate medications, and adverse drug reactions, including organ system injury, hospitalization, death, and rising treatment-related costs...