Los liheci chinos e indoeuropeosun análisis comparativo de chino, inglés y ruso

  1. Karaseva, Rina
Supervised by:
  1. Enrique Bernárdez Sanchís Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 13 July 2021

  1. María Victoria Escandell Vidal Chair
  2. Enrique Javier Vercher García Secretary
  3. Rafael Guzmán Tirado Committee member
  4. Juan José Ciruela Alférez Committee member
  5. Manuela Romano Committee member

Type: Thesis


The present paper titled “Liheci in Chinese and Indo-European languages: a comparative analysis of Chinese, English and Russian” investigates the category of liheci in the Chinese language and compares it with similar categories in the two named Indo-European languages. Liheci are semantically indivisible combinations of a verb and a noun with a joint verbal meaning and are a highly disputed phenomenon in Chinese which is often confused with simple verbs or presented as one of their subtypes. In Western literature, as well as in Chinese works for learners of Chinese as a foreign or second language, liheci are often not presented. They are normally not introduced in text books forforeign students published in China as well as in Russia and most Western countries. They are almost never discussed in Russian-language research papers as well as on the Russian-speaking Internet. Although there are more resources and research papers written in English, they are still relatively few and they also vary in terminology. They are rarely taught and explained to Chinese L2 learners and, although various research papers dedicated to them can be found in Chinese linguistcs, there is still no consensus about many key points, such as if they are words or word combinations, a separate part of speech or a type of verb, what are the bases for their definition and limitation, and many others...