Cocinando letrasestrategias de inclusión social desde la estética relacional

  1. Mónica Oliva Lozano
Ausart aldizkaria: arte ikerkuntzarako aldizkaria = journal for research in art = revista para la investigación en arte

ISSN: 2340-8510 2340-9134

Year of publication: 2022

Issue Title: Arteaz idatzi. Idazketa hedatua eta praktika artistikoa. Konexio, haustura eta lekualdaketak = Escribir de arte. Escritura expandida y práctica artística. Conexiones, quiebras y desplazamientos = Writing about art. Expanded writing and artistic practice. Connections, ruptures and displacements

Volume: 10

Issue: 1

Pages: 195-207

Type: Article

More publications in: Ausart aldizkaria: arte ikerkuntzarako aldizkaria = journal for research in art = revista para la investigación en arte


The workshop "Cooking letters" within the project "No profile". The book as a diverse experience, carried out with the San Martín de Porres Foundation, collects the artistic experience of an inclusive proposal between the students of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Complutense University of Madrid, and a group of homeless people at risk of social exclusion. The proposal, part of the UCM Service-Learning project, includes a program of activities based on the creation of movable type and the subsequent typographic composition, as a starting point for the analysis of the relational aesthetics arising around the ‘table’; a referential framework in which to discuss the social barriers that revolve around the act of eating. The result of this artistic experience is the textile art book, "No profile", and the performance "Alphabet soup", carriedout during the final banquet of the event.

Bibliographic References

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  • Hartung, Elisabeth. 2002. “Comida, arte y comunicación: La comida como nuevo modelo de recepción artística”. En Comer o no comer o Las relaciones del arte con la comida en el siglo XX, comisarios, Darío Corbeira, Carlos Jiménez & Eugeni Bonet, 75-84. Salamanca: Consorcio Salamanca
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  • Tiravanija, Rirkrit. 2002. Untitled 2002 (The raw and the cooked). Exhibition at the Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery, 25 May-15 August, curator, Mami Kataoka. Tokyo: Opera City Cultural Foundation
  • UCM (Universidad Complutense de Madrid). 2020. “Convocatoria proyectos aprendizaje y servicios Complutense: Curso académico 2020-21”. Delegación del Rector para la Diversidad e Inclusión. https://www.ucm. es/data/cont/docs/1376-2020-08-02-Vf2julio%20Convocatoria_APS%20 2020-21.pdf