Diferencias percibidas entre los modelos universitarios de financiación pública y privada por los estudiantes universitarios y recién egresados de España

  1. Manuel Iglesias Soilán 1
  2. Irene Sánchez San José
  3. Daniel Enguídanos Vanderweyen
  4. Patricia Ariza López 1
  5. Sandra San José Pérez 1
  6. Andrés Cano Maganto 1
  1. 1 Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Madrid, España

    ROR 02p0gd045

Revista española de educación comparada

ISSN: 1137-8654

Year of publication: 2022

Issue: 41

Pages: 125-139

Type: Article

DOI: 10.5944/REEC.41.2022.31529 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Revista española de educación comparada


The remarkable expansion of private funding university centers in Spain during the last decades has raised multiple comparisons with public funding university centers. However, from an educational psychology perspective, students’ perceptions and beliefs -realistic or not- have been less explored. As a result, a screening study is proposed with the main aim of inquiring about current public university students and recent (last five years) graduates’ perceptions on these two different models of funding. There were 102 participants (25.5 % men and 74.5% women) who were currently enrolled in univer-sity (55.9%) or who had finished their studies within the last 5 years (44.1%). An ad hoc assessment tool was developed to evaluate the participants’ perceptions. For the analysis, descriptive statistics, correlations and mean differences between both groups were used. The most remarkable results show that even though participants find some quality indicators (such as materials, practical lessons, close treatment...) to be more present in private university centers, public universities are thought to excel in teaching and research quality. On the other hand, even though private universities are thought to be more likely to correctly adapt to the pandemic, especially regarding online teaching methods, participants also point out public universities could find this as an opportunity for improvement. These findings may point the way regarding future university orienta-tion, teaching or scholarships

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