En absolutouna reflexión en torno a la búsqueda del absoluto romántico en el trasfondo espiritual del arte contemporáneo

  1. Colás Cintas, Olalla
Supervised by:
  1. María del Mar Bernal Director

Defence university: Universidad de Sevilla

Fecha de defensa: 15 November 2019

  1. Francisco Lagares Prieto Chair
  2. Daniel Bilbao-Peña Secretary
  3. Juan José Gómez de la Torre Committee member
  4. María del Mar Garrido Román Committee member
  5. Francisco Molinero Ayala Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 602794 DIALNET lock_openIdus editor


The tendency to absolutize is part of human nature. With it people draw a polarized world in whose opposite ends are placed two sides of the same coin. Art is the tool of expression of everything human and as such reflects this trend. The cultural and social revolution that marked the beginning of Modernity inclined the balance of the Absolute from its affirmative end to the negative, making it lose the initial capital in this process. The current perspective of the absolute allows contemplating a wide intermediate space from which to create other possible worlds. The conscious practice of an art involved in real life offers the opportunity to consider art as an alternative way of knowledge and transformation of reality. A non-exclusive alternative that walks hand in hand with philosophy and that renews the concept of Absolute by expanding its meaning: art can be free, unconditioned and unlimited in its proposals; and at the same time, be in relationship with everything else. Be absolute and be relative. Art possesses the capacity to suspend reality to move between its folds, to enter into its crevices and to enlarge them until the light passes through. In him they fit the affirmation, the negation and all the worlds that we are able to imagine between both ends.