Alteraciones de la microbiota intestinal asociadas a la alergia alimentaria en el contexto de la biología de sistemas.

  1. Zubeldia Varela, Elisa
Supervised by:
  1. Marina Pérez Gordo Director
  2. David Rojo Blanco Director

Defence university: Universidad CEU San Pablo

Fecha de defensa: 08 July 2022

  1. Tomás Chivato Pérez Chair
  2. María Rodríguez Aburto Secretary
  3. María Teresa Villalba Díaz Committee member

Type: Thesis


The participation of the microbiota in the molecular mechanisms underlying allergic diseases has gained particular relevance in recent years since it can cause local and systemic alterations in the immune response to specific allergens. The microbiota composition is dynamic and depends on factors associated with the host such as diet, diseases, and lifestyle, among others. For the analysis and understanding of the microbiota, omic techniques are mostly used, in which large volumes of data are worked. In order to investigate these aspects, we set out to evaluate the role of the intestinal microbiota in the development and progression of allergic diseases, tango by mechanisms mediated by IgE and by mechanisms mediated by T cells, with a multi-omic approach. The results showed that, in both types of allergic diseases, lipid and fatty acid metabolisms were altered, which could indicate that there is inflammation and disruption of the intestinal barrier caused by food allergy. The multi-omic approach of this Doctoral Thesis has allowed us to advance in understanding the interaction of the microbiota with food allergy in the context of systems biology.