La escribanía del cabildo catedralicio de Segovia y su documentación (siglos XIV y XV)
- Juan Carlos Galende Díaz Director
Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Fecha de defensa: 25 February 2022
- Nicolás Ávila Seoane Chair
- Bárbara Santiago Medina Secretary
- Jesús Alturo Perucho Committee member
- Alicia Marchant Rivera Committee member
- Bonifacio Bartolomé Herrero Committee member
Type: Thesis
This study is entitled “The Notary’s Office of the Cathedral Chapter of Segovia and its documentation (14th and 15th centuries)” and constitutes a historical overview of the written production and the professional group responsible for it, who worked at the service of the Cathedral at a time when this institution underwent its organic and functional maturation. A study framed in a historical context, characterised by the increasing demand for the use of writing in all domains, and especially as a vital resource that answered to the different needs of the daily duties of the temple and its clergy chapter.This dissertation is based on the abundant and rich literature preserved in the historical archives, essentially that of the cathedral of Segovia and the National Historical Archive of Madrid, alongside other centres that also offer considerable resources, such as the Diocesan and Municipal archives of the city of Segovia itself. From the outset, one could already appreciate the great potential that the archival sources would bring. The particular scope of certain texts, as well as the wealth of information in the documents and writings emanating from the Chapter, make this a challenging undertaking, the conclusion of which offers a renewed vision in general terms, as well as unprecedented in its specific aspect...