Comunidades de blogs para la escritura académica en la enseñanza superiorun caso de innovación educativa en México

  1. Sergio Reyes Angona
  2. Juan Manuel Fernández-Cárdenas
  3. Román Martínez Martínez
Revista mexicana de investigación educativa

ISSN: 1405-6666

Year of publication: 2013

Volume: 18

Issue: 57

Pages: 507-535

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista mexicana de investigación educativa


This paper presents the result of an educational intervention in a private university in Mexico, in which the students and their teacher developed blogs, participating collaboratively in a search for information, reading, and writing oriented to the elaboration of a critical essay. With virtual ethnographic interviews and two online questionnaires, an analysis was made of students' perceptions of the blogs' influence on their academic literacy, the links and tensions between the two types of writing, and the possible lessons for educational innovation in the area. In light of this case, the article argues the need, from a sociocultural perspective, for higher education to encourage practices of reading and writing that recover the genuine social, dialogical, and identity-related meaning of all academic writing.

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