La intelectualidad comunista y los debates ideológicos del campo socialista: fragmentos de una larga crisis (1956-1989)

Dirixida por:
  1. José María Faraldo Jarillo Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 29 de xuño de 2022

  1. Carolina Rodríguez López Presidenta
  2. Juan Antonio Andrade Blanco Secretario/a
  3. David Ginard Féron Vogal
  4. Alfonso Pinilla García Vogal
  5. Giaime Pala Vogal

Tipo: Tese


The main objective of this study has been to understand the crises and debates of the international communist movement through the figure of the Marxist intellectual connected or close to the communist party. The aim has been to demonstrate the value of the role of militant intellectuals in analyzing the development of communism and its final debacle during the 1980's.This doctoral thesis analyzes the political and ideological interpretation that, of a series of transcendental historical moments for the international communist current, fundamentally in the second half of the 20th century, carried out by the intellectuals, in contrast to other political actors such as the leadership of the national communist parties and their militancy. The intellectuals, in addition to the intrinsic interest that they can arouse, represent, or anticipate, the political and ideological contradictions of the communist parties in the moments studied due to their condition as theorists and / or critics on which the construction of a good part of the communist discourses was based. The episodes analyzed here are critical moments for the powerful political and social movement that communism represented, and which are in transition stages in its trajectory. The examples of these conjunctures that we have chosen are the year 1956 and the Soviet invasion of Budapest, 1968 and the Soviet intervention in Czechoslovakia and the collapse of the socialist bloc in the 1980s. I believe that these are focal points in the definition of the communist movement, a crisis that resulted in expulsions, estrangements, dissidence, and rethinking. For this reason, intellectuals related to or interested in the communist movement were forced to define their position with respect to these moments...