Segona República i Guerra civil en el municipi de Vila-seca de Solcina(1931-1939)

  1. Bertran Álvarez , Carles
Supervised by:
  1. Josep Sánchez Cervelló Director

Defence university: Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Fecha de defensa: 31 May 2022

  1. Alberto Reig Tapia Chair
  2. David Hidalgo Cela Secretary
  3. Ángel Duarte Montserrat Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 755294 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


This local history doctoral thesis provides a wide and in-depth study of municipality of Vila-seca between the years 1931-1839. The years of the Second Spanish Republic and the Civil War. Municipality that later adopted the nom of Vila-seca and Salou, and that disappeared with the segregation of Salou on October 30, 1989. The thesis begins with an introduction where the motivation to carry out this research work is exposed, the previous studies that have been published, as well as the methodology and the sources that have been used. The main body is structured in four thematic blocks: physical framework, population, economy, society and politics. In all of them the local facts and data have been related to the facts and data of catalan and spanish territorial structures. The purpose has been to create a work of comparative and total history. The physical framework addresses the geology of Vila-seca, its seismicity and its climate (pluviometry, temperatures and winds). In the chapter dedicated to population, the demographic evolution, the population of Salou, the evolution of the number of buildings and dwellings, the birth and mortality rate (infant, young, adult and old), and natural growth have been studied. All within the demographic period of the years 1900 to 1950. In the economic section, the active population, agriculture (types of crops, main productions, property and conflicts for the land) have been studied, as well as livestock, fishing, mining, industry, commerce, liberal professions and tourism.