La configuración territorial de los espacios residuales y del “Tercer Paisaje” en un municipio castellano-manchego, de la provincia española de Toledo: Yepes
- María Sotelo Pérez 1
- Ignacio Sotelo Pérez 2
- Beatriz Jiménez Blasco 3
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
- 2 Intituto Universitario de Ciencias Ambientales
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
ISSN: 0211-9803
Year of publication: 2023
Volume: 43
Issue: 2
Pages: 511-531
Type: Article
More publications in: Anales de geografía de la Universidad Complutense
Throughout the present investigation we approach the study and interpretation of the residual spaces that are part of the so-called “third landscape”, of a territory, which is framed and forms the so-called municipality of Yepes, in the Castilian-La Mancha province of Toledo (Spain). Its territorial configuration shows us how the integrating elements of the landscape, in the environment on which they settle, can be framed or delimited in a triple dimension: volumes and areas, lines and plots (with double dimension). The primary characteristics that are perceived when assessing and interpreting the landscape are the so-called “visual”, given the scenic nature of the territory, determining or defining its attractiveness. Likewise, the humanized space and its “stage setting” in the territory itself, highlight the observer's eagerness to discover the roots of its people, the evolution of their lives, the reason for their existence and living. All of this without forgetting that the not always positive externalities generated by planning have consequences; Serve as an example, private initiatives in the hands of leisure, which generate constructions of little urban value that, after the passing of the years, and the cessation of activity, are reduced to residual spaces. In this way, if the urban spaces or the suburbs of the cities, of the towns,..., collect the traces of the past, processes that can be measured and have defined and perceptible limits (they generate discontinuous spaces, in principle, closed, static, they can form serial compositions). The so-called “anti-spaces” also appear; shapeless, continuous territories, devoid of perceptible formal borders.As a consequence, the residual spaces end up generating realities, little or not at all aesthetic, of dubious ethics, especially important in the case of Yepes.
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