Comunicación para la paz en el ámbito digitaluna propuesta frente a la misoginia 'online'

  1. Tornay Márquez, María Cruz
  2. Pedro Carañana, Joan
  3. Aladro Vico, Eva
Index.comunicación: Revista científica en el ámbito de la Comunicación Aplicada

ISSN: 2174-1859

Ano de publicación: 2024

Título do exemplar: Communication, peace and human rights

Volume: 14

Número: 1

Páxinas: 55-77

Tipo: Artigo


Outras publicacións en: Index.comunicación: Revista científica en el ámbito de la Comunicación Aplicada


Given the rise of online misogyny as a form of gender violence, we propose a comprehensive multidimensional and relational analysis of violence against women and a communicative model to counteract it. Galtung’s violence-peace theory is combined with intersectional feminism and results are obtained from in-depth interviews with ten feminist women activists in social networks. interrelated symbolic-cultural, structural and direct machista violence are identified, which are linked to violence based on race, class, nationality and sexual identity. Based on this diagnosis, a model of communication for peace is designed to transcend the different forms of violence. The study makes four contributions of relevance to Peace Studies: 1. Symbolic violence is related to intersectional oppressions. 2. Communicative violence not only has a symbolic character that legitimizes structural and direct violence, but also contains and performatively effectuates them. 3. The communication model affects both the structural and direct dimensions of society as well as of the online world. Galtung’s proposal for conflict resolution is broken down into sub-dimensions (educational, media, political, social, citizen and technological) that allow for a more concrete and complex approach.

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