Gimnástica del talento comunicativoPropuesta para la mejora del desarrollo de las competencias en la actividad sociolaboral

  1. Poveda Crespo, Luís
unter der Leitung von:
  1. María Jesús Vitón de Antonio Doktorvater/Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 29 von Oktober von 2018

  1. Escolástica Macías Gómez Präsidentin
  2. Rosa María Esteban Moreno Sekretär/in
  3. Sara Redondo Duarte Vocal

Art: Dissertation


The present investigation offers an approach and a general vision about the learning and development of competences that configure the "talent" in socio-labor environments. Its purpose is to design and evaluate a training program that methodologically allows a transformation and progressive improvement of the skills associated with the professional activity that is deployed in the Professional Families of Commerce and Marketing and Sales and Commercial Management. The process is linked to the development of the critical success skills of commercial activity in work environments. It is a descriptive and quasiexperimental study of non-probabilistic sampling, and a conceptual innovation is presented; first, by disaggregating the activities and tasks carried out in the performance of the profession "Nine Step Model", second; associate the critical and priority competencies in each of the steps proposed in the model and third; design an exercise program for the training of each of the associated competences. The results of the research indicate that the proposed exercise approach and the triangulation carried out among the activities and tasks to be carried out, the competences and the knowledge of the training techniques are highly satisfactory by providing a reduction in the learning time by the own experience and improve the indicators of pre and post results. In conclusion, it is affirmed that the design of the Talent Gymnastics can better train professionals in this sector and provide answers to the demands of the socio-labor market.