COVID-19 as a Trigger for Sustainable Tourism and Eco-Influencers on Twitter

  1. Caldevilla-Domínguez, David 1
  2. Barrientos-Báez, Almudena 1
  3. Padilla-Castillo, Graciela 1
  1. 1 Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Madrid, España

    ROR 02p0gd045


Año de publicación: 2021

Tipo: Artículo

DOI: 10.20944/PREPRINTS202101.0636.V1 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAcceso abierto editor

Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible


The social confinement resulting from the COVID-19 crisis temporarily reduced greenhouse gas emissions. Although experts consider that the decrease in pollution rates was not drastic, some surveys detect a growth in social concern about the climate. In this environment, institutions, city councils and companies have promoted sustainable tourism as a necessary option, even before world society regains freedom of movement. This work analyzes and geolocates the sustainable tourism and ecotourism proposals on Twitter, quantitatively and qualitatively, using the Twitonomy Premium tool, with data extracted at the end of December 2020. The results show an arduous activity in Ireland, Kenya, Sri Lanka, India, Croatia, Spain, Finland, France, Mexico and Pakistan, among others. The accounts that achieve the most impact and engagement are both from public institutions and influencers specialized in travel, writers and chefs, who act as eco-influencers. Ecotourism is promoted as the necessary option for the conservation of cities and landscapes, which will be visited by tourists supposedly more aware after the virus.

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