Building Process of “The Feminine” as a Gender Base Violence Artefact*
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Argitaletxea: Liguori Editore
ISBN: 9788820752668
Argitalpen urtea: 2014
Orrialdeak: 25-51
Mota: Liburuko kapitulua
We concern about connections between modern nation-state’s political forms and individuals, their bodies and their subjectivities, a complex issue addressed by large corpus of literature in which we find a common conclusion about identity as a fiction (Radcliffe & Westwood 1996, Staeheli et Al. 2003, Preciado 2009, Foucault 1984, Butler 1993, Lauretis 1986, Sedgwick 1993, Hall 1996). However we know how identity is naturalized in order to sequester any possibility of awareness of its construction, for us it is a lived fiction produced by political action on the bodies. Identity, as an intersectional action of multiple actors and power devices which raises the impossibility of existence outside itself, emerges as a control mechanism which construction is never haphazard. It is produced from crossing institutional strategies of enunciation and historical actions and, in the midst of specific discursive formations and practices. Identity arises within specific games and modalities of power, being more a result of marking difference and exclusion than an identical and unit sign naturally formed (Hall 1996).