Application of the flipped classroom and use of ICT as an innovative methodology in higher education

  1. Jimenez Rodriguez, Virginia 1
  2. Alvarado Izquierdo, Jesús María 1
  3. Calaforra Faubel, Patricia Jara 1
  4. Castillo Charfolet, Aurora 1
  1. 1 Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Madrid, España

    ROR 02p0gd045

INTED2021 Conference Proceedings : 15th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, 8-9 March, 2021
  1. Louis Gómez Chova (ed. lit.)
  2. A López Martínez (ed. lit.)
  3. I Candel Torres (ed. lit.)
  4. International Technology, Education and Development Conference

Argitaletxea: IATED Academy

ISSN: 2340-1079

ISBN: 9788409276660 8409276666

Argitalpen urtea: 2021

Orrialdeak: 2066-2074

Biltzarra: XV Conferencia en línea de la Conferencia Internacional de Tecnología, Educación y Desarrollo. 8-9 de marzo de 2021

Mota: Biltzar ekarpena

DOI: 10.21125/INTED.2021.0453 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openSarbide irekia editor


This project presents a study carried out on the application of an innovative methodology in the subject of Basic Psychology in the 1st year of the Social Work degree during the academic year 2018/19. It used the invaluable support of information and communication technology (ICT), both to develop the project and as part of the continuous assessment process.This type of methodology aims to increase the attendance of students in the classroom (prevent absenteeism) and their active participation in constructing, developing and supervising their own learning. In addition, the objective is to increase the development of digital and other important skills, such as boosting creativity, critical thinking (through the proposed challenges), effort and perseverance.A set of statistical analyses were carried out with a sample of 212 students to test the hypotheses that the application of innovative methodologies such as flipped classrooms, gamification and the use of ICT increases the motivation of 1st-year students in the Social Work degree and improves their academic performance.The assessment was carried out using a questionnaire on motivation prepared for the purpose, which asks about the students’ opinions on the different resources used in the flipped methodology. The results show that the satisfaction level was very high, as 84% of those answering indicated that they would recommend this method for other subjects. A regression analysis was also carried out to discover the effect of these resources on academic performance and whether they could predict success. As well as the aforementioned resources, the study also took into account cognitive, metacognitive and attitude factors that are related to academic performance, measured using the motivational CEAM questionnaire (Questionnaire on Learning and Motivational Strategies; Roces, González-Torres and Tourón, 1997). The results demonstrated the existence of factors or variables that could predict academic performance. These variables are: initial assessments, the viewing of videos with embedded questions, gamification, self-efficiency and exploitation.In conclusion, the study established a predictive model of performance that is based on prior performance, specific cognitive factors and the implementation of new learning methodologies using ICT as a driving force.