La evaluación de la calidad en educación superior en Españaun estudio comparativo de los informes de seguimiento del grado en pedagogía en tres comunidades autónomas

  1. Sandra Gómez del Pulgar Cinque 1
  2. Jesús Miguel Rodríguez Mantilla 1
  3. Francisco José Fernández Cruz 1
  1. 1 Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Madrid, España

    ROR 02p0gd045

Revista española de educación comparada

ISSN: 1137-8654

Year of publication: 2024

Issue Title: Políticas de igualdad de género en la educación superior: universidades atlánticas y africanas

Issue: 45

Pages: 398-426

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista española de educación comparada


Introduction. After the Bologna Process, universities can design and implement degrees in Higher Education as long as they comply with the requirements of accreditation, verification, and monitoring processes. Objetive. Comparatively, analyze the content of the monitoring reports of the Degree in Pedagogy in Spain in three Autonomous Communities. Methodology. A comparative methodology is used based on documentary analysis. Sample. After analyzing 115 monitoring reports of the Degree in Pedagogy, those from the Community of Madrid, the Valencian Community, and Andalusia are examined. Results. The Pedagogy degree is valued unequally during the academic years in internal and external monitoring reports. There are differences between the three Autonomous Communities in terms of the 4 groups of content analyzed: Degree information on the website, Operation of the QMS, Analysis of indicators, and Making modifications to the degree. Thus, in general, degree information is poorly dis-played on university websites, the Internal Quality System is barely described, and academic and professional indicators are not satisfactorily calculated. Furthermore, the modifications and improvements of these studies are not sufficiently specified. All of this occurs more neg-atively in most of external monitoring reports compared to internal ones. Furthermore, the evolution of evaluations on Pedagogy is carried out irregularly, showing different evaluations throughout the academic years evaluated by the institution itself or by the corresponding external agency. Conclusions. The results show the need for uniform mechanisms to guaran-tee a consistent evaluation of the functioning of this studies , and improvements in certain processes of the Degree.

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