De los malestares a los placeres. Una propuesta ético-política para rastrear la sexualidad femenina

  1. Velázquez Berrío, Nerea
Dirigida per:
  1. Carmen Romero Bachiller Directora

Universitat de defensa: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 25 de de gener de 2024

  1. María Isabel Blázquez Rodríguez Presidenta
  2. Elena Casado Aparicio Secretària
  3. Amparo Bonilla Campos Vocal
  4. Dau García Dauder Vocal
  5. Patricia Amigot Leache Vocal

Tipus: Tesi


This thesis deals with some aspects of female sexuality. in particular, certain discomforts that women may experience in this area. Thsi disconforts are a privileged context for dealing with the construction of female sexuality and gerder norms. To this end, the experience of women of different ages, integrated in the life-cycle, is addressed. The aim is to find out the strategies that women put into action when they experience discomfort...