Hegemonía, capital transnacional y modelos productivos en el Mercosur.Un estudio de la industria automotriz en Argentina y Brasil (1991-2019)

Dirixida por:
  1. José Antonio Sanahuja Perales Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 13 de xullo de 2023

  1. Isaías Barreñada Bajo Presidente
  2. Francisco J. Verdes-Montenegro Escánez Secretario
  3. Amalia Stuhldreher Vogal
  4. Daniela Vanesa Perrotta Vogal
  5. Sergio Caballero Santos Vogal

Tipo: Tese


This thesis aims to study the relationship between transnational capital and South American regionalism. Specifically, it analyzes the dynamics of the interaction between transnational automotive companies and the Mercosur between 1991 and 2019. In this way, this work seeks to contribute to the development of a critical perspective on Latin American regionalism, focusing on a dimension rarely addressed in the literature, that is, the influence of non-state actors in regional integration processes.In order to achieve the objectives set out in this thesis, we apply a transnational historical materialist perspective (Cox, 1981, 1987; Gill and Law, 1988; Robinson, 2007; Sanahuja, 2015, 2020) offered by the neo-gramscian school of International Relations, which is located in a reflectivist and post positivist epistemology. This will allow us to transcend the theoretical and methodological pitfalls of the state-centric and liberal-institutionalist paradigms, through a historical materialist interpretation of the Mercosur. In this sense, transnational historical materialist can relating the internal dynamics of regional integration processes with global capitalism, arguing that these processes take place in a global and structural context that configures and conditions both the form and the content of integration processes (van Apeldoorn and Horn, 2018; Moreno Regaña, 2018)...