El Monasterio de San Salvador de Oña.Gestión del patrimonio pétreo policromado medieval

Dirixida por:
  1. Jorge Rivas López Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 10 de maio de 2023

  1. Marta Plaza Beltrán Presidenta
  2. Ángel Pazos-López Secretario
  3. Maria José González -López Vogal
  4. Stefanos Kroustallis Vogal
  5. Agustín Martínez Peláez Vogal

Tipo: Tese


This project is a comprehensive management study of the examples of polychromy on medieval stone preserved in the Monastery of San Salvador de Oña (Burgos). This monastery was a unique enclave of male Cluniac monasticism in the Middle Ages and contains interesting examples of medieval art that have been very poorly addressed by the previous bibliography. The three most representative of these ensembles - the architectural relief of the old medieval refectory, the arches of the Romanesque cloister and the toral capitals of the transept of the nave of the church - have been selected for an analysis based on materiality, meaning, technique and their reordering in a present-day communicative discourse.In order to approach this study, a method of approach based on different disciplines of study is followed, covering a corpus of transversal knowledge belonging both to the field of Art History and to that of Heritage Conservation, without forgetting aspects related to artistic techniques and Museography...