La vía lógica en Jacques Lacán

unter der Leitung von:
  1. Jorge Marugán Kraus Doktorvater

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 03 von Mai von 2023

  1. Gerardo Gutiérrez Sánchez Präsident
  2. Germán Cano Cuenca Sekretär
  3. Sonia Arribas Verdugo Vocal
  4. José María Álvarez Martinez Vocal
  5. Francisco Manuel Montalbán Peregrín Vocal

Art: Dissertation


This Ph D thesis is entitled The Way of Logic in Jacques Lacan. The aim is to show the importance of logic for Lacan's teaching and to propose what are considered to be the steps along this path. Its temporal arc spans from the reading in The Seminar, Book I, as of 1954, of Freud's article «Negation», to the approach of the feminine as a different logic, which takes up the non-existence of the sexual relation and of the woman. The reading is accompanied at each step by a context that refers to philosophy as the necessary interlocutor and to the institutional vicissitudes that led to theorisation.A brief history of the birth of modern logic precedes the main content of this work, with the fundamental milestones of change occurring over the first thirty years of the twentieth century, ending with the confidence in the dream of complete formalisation. Section 1, «Logical time», presents the article «Logical Time and the Assertion of Anticipated Certainty», as a necessary preliminary step in the thesis. The approach to the instant of seeing, the time of understanding and the moment of concluding are for Lacan the first attempt to articulate a collective logic. Section 2, «Negation», is the first step of The Way of Logic. It will deal with Freud's 1925 article «Negation» as a response to his philosophical teacher, Brentano, in the controversy over the existence of the unconscious. This will be followed by Jean Hyppolite's commentary on February 10th, 1954, and Lacan's response at the time of the split in the French Psychoanalytical Society, which marks what is considered to be the beginning of his teaching...