Department: Escultura y Formación Artística

Faculty: Bellas Artes

Area: Sculpture

Research group: ACIS. Grupo de investigación de mitocrítica


Personal web:

Doctor by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid with the thesis Revisión del espacio en la escultura la espacialidad humana y el objeto a la luz del siglo XX 2007. Supervised by Dr. Pablo de Arriba del Amo, Dr. José de las Casas Gómez.

Doctor in Fine Arts from the Complutense University of Madrid. She received the FPU-University Teacher Training Scholarship from the MEC (2000-2004) and carried out research stays at MOMA and Columbia University, New York; The Art Institute of Chicago (USA) and University of Sydney (Australia). She attends as a guest researcher at OTIS College of Art and Design, Los Angeles, California (USA) and University of Iceland, Reikjavik (Iceland) and University of Helsinki (Finland). As a plastic artist she has made sculptures for public spaces in Spain (Barcelona, Madrid, Castellón de la Plana), and abroad (South Korea, Greece, Italy and Turkey). Her work is present in public and private collections. It has been selected to carry out artistic interventions (Installation of sculptural work Novotel Madrid Center; Sculpture Symposium of Ankara; International Sculpture Symposium «May of art» in Drama; Fib Art artistic route of Benicàssim; Spanish Sculpture Symposium of Kionggido; artist residency of the European Circle of Sardinia, Valdearte, Ourense and Casa de Velázquez). Her plastic and scientific research focuses on the body and spatiality in sculpture. She participates as a member of the Research Groups, UCM: “ACIS. Mitocrítica research group” and “Art at the service of society”. Professor of the Department of Sculpture and Artistic Training. She has been teaching at the Faculty of Fine Arts, Complutense University of Madrid since 2004 in Bachelor of Fine Arts and Postgraduate subjects in the Master of Research in Art and Creation and Master of Contemporary Sculpture. As a guest lecturer she attends Aalto University, Finland; Humboldt Faculty of Sociology, University of Berlin (Germany); École Nationale Supérieure d’Art et de Design de Nancy, École des Beaux-Arts de Nantes Saint-Nazaire and École Superiéure d’Art de Bretagne, (France); University of Algarve, Portugal.