Department: Mineralogía y Petrología

Faculty: Ciencias Geológicas

Area: Crystallography and Mineralogy


Doctor by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid with the thesis Estudio a multiescala de la interacción entre polimorfos de CaCO3 (calcita y aragonito) y soluciones acuosas con metales contaminantes (CD, Mn, Cu) 2010. Supervised by Dr. Manuel Prieto Rubio, Dr. Lourdes Fernández Díaz, Dr. José Manuel Astilleros García-Monge.

Degree in Geology (2004) and PhD in Geology (2011, outstanding cum laude). I have worked as Technical Laboratory Manager at CENIEH (Burgos) in the luminescence dating laboratory (2012-2017), and as Senior Technician of Technical and Professional Activities at IGME (2019-2020), performing tasks of sample preparation and analysis by different techniques (AAS, ICP-AES, UV-Vis, etc...). In addition, I have obtained several contracts as a researcher at UCM (2005-2010, 2018) and Associate Professor (2021-2022). During the last years I am as Assistant Professor at UCM in the Faculty of Geological Sciences. In terms of scientific production I have studies in a wide range of areas of knowledge within Geology (crystal growth, trace elements, diagenesis, provenance of siliciclastic deposits, heavy minerals, quaternary deposits, geochronology, isotopic analysis, data analysis software) in SCI impact journals (Marine Geology, Chemical Geology, Quaternary International, etc...) and in Open Access journals (PlosOne, Ancient TL). In addition, I have presented papers in national (Spanish Society of Mineralogy, Spanish Association for the study of Quaternary) and international (European Geosciences Union, Goldschmidt, International Association of Sedimentology, European Current Research On Fluid and melt Inclusions) congresses. In terms of specialized training I have numerous courses on instrumental techniques (ICP-AES, AAS, SEM, EPMA); Geophysical logging, videographic inspection of boreholes and seismic testing of boreholes; Practical handling in SEM FEI-Quanta; Training Course in Luminescence Dating; Training and practical work with cathodoluminescence (CL); Raman spectroscopy in Geosciences; Synchrotron Radiation in Mineralogy; Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy: Fundamentals and Applications in Earth Sciences and Materials Science; Instrumental Techniques applied to Mineralogy and Geochemistry), as well as extensive experience in safety and risk prevention courses (including the title of Radioactive Facilities Supervisor). I have also been trained in laboratory management (Gestilab System) and quality management according to ISO9001 and 17025 standards. It is worth mentioning the work carried out in the successful implementation of the ISO9001 Standard at CENIEH. On the other hand, I have taught at the Complutense University of Madrid (Mineralogy I and II, Crystallography, Introduction to Field Geology, Geology for the Chemistry Degree), as well as specialization seminars for Secondary School Teacher Training. In terms of scientific dissemination, I have extensive experience in both the organization and implementation of various activities such as "Science Week in Madrid", "European Night of Researchers" or "Geolodía" and I am a member of the project "Geodivulgar" for the dissemination of Geology to all audiences, simultaneously performing an action of social integration between students, teachers and support staff and university services. Among other merits, I have the mention of honorary collaborator (2010-2011-2012-2018) in the Dept. of Crystallography and Mineralogy of the UCM, and a total of three stays abroad (total 8 months) in the Dept. of Earth Sciences of the University of New York and University of Athens (years 2007 and 2008).