Department: Química Analítica

Faculty: Ciencias Químicas

Area: Analytical Chemistry

Research group: Sensores químicos ópticos y fotoquímica aplicada


Doctor by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid with the thesis Desarrollo y validación de métodos analíticos basados en nuevos elementos de reconocimiento molecular para la determinación de antibióticos -Lactámicos en muestras de interés agroalimentario y medioambiental 2006. Supervised by Dr. María Cruz Moreno Bondi.

Elena received her PhD in Chemistry from Complutense University (Madrid) in 2006 under the supervision of Prof. María C. Moreno Bondi. In 2005 she moved to the private sector and returned to Complutense University as a Postdoctoral Research Associate in 2006. She did postdoctoral research (2009-2011) with Prof. David R. Walt at Tufts University working on the development of multiplexed biosensor microarrays based on fiber optic bundles and InfoBiology. She is currently a Tenure Professor in the Department of Analytical Chemistry at the Complutense University of Madrid and a member of the Group of Chemical Optosensors and Applied Photochemistry (GSOLFA). She received the Young Chemical Researchers Award from the European Technology Platform for Sustainable Chemistry (Spain) in 2016. Her research interests focus on the development of biomimetic sensors and biosensors, as well as novel recognition elements and probes. She has extensive experience in the preparation of molecularly imprinted polymers, biomimetic peptides, recombinant antibodies and tailor-made proteins by using either polymer imprinting or molecular biotechnology, such as Phage-Display. The application of new amplification strategies for (bio)sensing applications with optical transduction in the clinical, food or environmental fields (e.g. mycotoxins, drugs, biomarkers or antibiotics) is also an essential objective for her.