Department: Estudios Ingleses: Lingüística y Literatura

Faculty: Filología

Area: English Philology

Research group: Estudios de género en el ámbito de los países de habla inglesa


Personal web:

Doctor by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid with the thesis Retórica de la esquizofrenia en los epígonos del modernismo 2000. Supervised by Dr. Esther Sánchez-Pardo.

Dr. Carmen M. Méndez García is Associate Professor of American Literature at the Department of English Studies at Complutense University, Madrid (Spain). Her doctoral dissertation, The Rhetorics of Schizophrenia in the Epigones of Modernism (2003), was based on her research as a visiting scholar at Harvard University in 2001 and 2002. She was also a participant in the 2010 Study of the United States Institute on Contemporary American Literature at the University of Louisville, Kentucky, funded by the Spanish Fulbright program and the US Department of State. Current research and teaching interests include 20th- and 21st-century US literature, postmodernism and contemporary fiction, the Countercultures in the US, Spatial studies, Gender studies, and Minority studies (especially Chicana studies). She is a participant in the research projects “Género y Patografía desde una perspectiva transnacional / Gender and Pathography from a Transnational Perspective” (Plan Nacional I+D+i, ref. PID2020-113330-GBI00”, and “(Des)Alojo: Viviendas, Materialidad y Subjetividad en la Literatura Estadounidense / (Un)Housing: Dwellings, Materiality, and the Self in American Literature” (Plan Nacional I+D+i, ref. PID2020-115172GB-I00). She led the research group “Space, Gender and Identity in US Literature and Visual Arts: A Transatlantic Approach” (Franklin Institute-UAH), and she is a participant in a research group dealing with Women’s Studies in English and American literature at Complutense University. She was a board member for SAAS (Spanish Association for American Studies) from 2019 to 2023. She was the coordinator of the Master’s in North American Studies at Universidad Complutense de Madrid-UAH from 2015 to 2021. She was a member of the International Committee of the American Studies Association (ASA) from 2012-15. She served as an Associate Dean for Student Affairs (2010-2014) and as the managing editor of Atlantis, Journal of the Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies (2009-2012). For a detailed and up-to-date list of publications and research, see full profile at