Publicaciones (93) Publicaciones de M. ASUNCIÓN LÓPEZ-VARELA AZCÁRATE


  1. A Call for Sustainable Actions: The Voice of Little Things in Tom McCarthy Micro-story “Mermaid Figurine”

    Cultura, Vol. 20, Núm. 1, pp. 43-54

  2. El relato mítico: sus nuevas materialidades y dimensiones en las culturas contemporáneas coord.


  3. Introducción

    El relato mítico: sus nuevas materialidades y dimensiones en las culturas contemporáneas (Comares), pp. 1-6

  4. La "Piedra Filosofal" de la Revolución Digital: materias, lenguajes y ecosistemas en "Everything" de David O'Reilly

    El relato mítico: sus nuevas materialidades y dimensiones en las culturas contemporáneas (Comares), pp. 7-17

  5. Literature review on intermedial studies: from analogue to digital

    The intermediality of contemporary visual arts (IntechOpen), pp. 1-31

  6. Narratives of Sustainability in the Anthropocene. Interdisciplinary Dimensions


  7. The intermediality of contemporary visual arts ed. lit.


  8. Timeless Joyce: A Hundred Years of Ulysses

    Peter Lang AG, pp. 1-252

  9. Érase una vez un objeto. Microrrelatos que significan lo insignificante

    Narrativas bajo mínimos (Tirant Humanidades), pp. 89-106


  1. Cognitive semiotics: an overview

    Mind and matter: challenges and opportunities in cognitive semiotics and aesthetics (IntechOpen), pp. 3-21

  2. Intermedial microtexts in the Anthropocene. From Aesthetics to Ethics

    Romance Notes, Vol. 62, Núm. 2, pp. 325-339

  3. Internationalisation of Teaching and Learning through Blended Mobility: Potentials of Joint International Blended Courses and Challenges in Their Implementation

    Education Sciences, Vol. 12, Núm. 11

  4. Mind and matter: challenges and opportunities in cognitive semiotics and aesthetics ed. lit.


  5. Myth-matters: Mez breeze's ecofeminist interventions

    Ecofeminismo y aspectos míticos en las brujas modernas (Grupo Editorial Sial Pigmalión), pp. 149-176

  6. Preface

    Mind and matter: challenges and opportunities in cognitive semiotics and aesthetics (IntechOpen), pp. 0

  7. Sustainable Entrepreneurship in Higher Education: A Systemic STEAM Approach

    International Journal of Humanities Education, Vol. 20, Núm. 2, pp. 1-14

  8. “Love and Self-Love”: The Balance between Sympathy and Self-Respect in Louisa May Alcott’s Early Fiction

    European Journal of American Studies, Vol. 17, Núm. 3