Facultad: Geografía e Historia

Área: Historia Contemporánea

Grupo de investigación: Historia de las relaciones internacionales

Correo el.: cjsanzdi@ucm.es

Web persoal: https://www.ucm.es/udcontemporanea/carlos-javier-sanz-diaz

Doutor pola Universidad Complutense de Madrid coa tese España y la República Federal de Alemania (1949-1966) política, economía y emigración, entre la guerra fría y la distensión 2005. Dirixida por Dr. Juan Carlos Pereira Castañares.

Associate Professor (tenured) of History at the Complutense University of Madrid, where he got his PhD in History with a thesis on German-Spanish relations in the Cold War. Carlos Sanz’s research has focused mainly on the history of international relations, foreign policy of contemporary Spain, and international migrations in the 20th century. He teaches at Complutense University since 2006 and at the Diplomatic School of Spain since 2017. He has been visiting researcher at Harvard University, Universität Bonn, Freie Universität Berlin, and at the Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschungen Potsdam, and a visiting instructor at Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church (Budapest) and at Universidad de San Sebastián (Santiago de Chile). Selected visiting fellowships in: Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies. Harvard University, USA (2015, April-July); Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschungen, Potsdam, Germany (2012, July); and Friedrich-Meinecke Institut, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany (2001, June-July, and 2000, October-December). He is since 2018 the Principal Investigator (with Antonio Moreno Juste) of the research project “Spain and Portugal before the Second Enlargement of the European Communities: a comparative study, 1974-1986” (HAR2017-84957P, Spanish Ministry of Science). Carlos Sanz is a member of the Research Group on the History of International Relations (GHISTRI) at Complutense University. From 2011 to 2016 Carlos Sanz was the President of the AEMIC (Association for the Study of Contemporary Iberian Exiles and Migrations); since 2016 he is the vice president. He is the editor of Migraciones & Exilios. Cuadernos de la AEMIC, and a member of the editorial board of Cuadernos de Historia Contemporánea (UCM). He is also a member of the advisory board of the H-SPAIN network of Contemporary History of Spain, integrated in the H-NET consortium, and a member of the steering board of the Comisión Española de Historia de las Relaciones Internacionales (CEHRI, Spanish Commission of History of International Relations). Research Lines International and Diplomatic History History of International Relations Spanish Foreign Policy Migration History European Integration Scientific and Technic Cooperation International Organisations Transnational and Global History