Argitalpenak (23) PILAR SANCHO THOMAS argitalpenak


  1. A narrative metaphor to facilitate educational game authoring

    Computers and Education, Vol. 58, Núm. 1, pp. 590-599

  2. E-UCM (Grupo de Investigación en e-learning), UCM

    IE Comunicaciones: Revista Iberoamericana de Informática Educativa, Núm. 15, pp. 37-46

  3. MareMonstrum: A contribution to empirical research about how the use of MUVEs may improve students' motivation

    Journal of Universal Computer Science, Vol. 18, Núm. 18, pp. 2576-2598


  1. Enhancing moodle to support problem based learning. The Nucleo experience

    2011 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON 2011

  2. Open learning: Advances in the eMadrid excellence network

    2011 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON 2011


  1. Experiences in using a MUVE for enhancing motivation in engineering education

    2010 IEEE Education Engineering Conference, EDUCON 2010


  1. Development of a personalized e-learning experience based on IMS standard technologies

    Computers and Education: Towards Educational Change and Innovation

  2. Integración de juegos de rol multijugador en sistemas de gestión de e-learning

    X Simposio Internacional de Informática Educativa SIIE 2008

  3. Multiplayer role games applied to problem based learning

    Proceedings - 3rd International Conference on Digital Interactive Media in Entertainment and Arts, DIMEA 2008

  4. NUCLEO: Adaptive Computer Supported Collaborative Learning in a role game based scenario

    Proceedings - The 8th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2008


  1. Un entorno e-learning adaptativo basado en principios socioconstructivos

    Actas del Simposio Nacional de Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones en la Educación: VIII Congreso Nacional de Informática Educativa (SINTICE 2007)


  1. Using dynamic learning design patterns to construct powerful e-learning environments

    8th International Symposium on Computers in Education Proceedings, SIIE 2006

  2. Using dynamic learning design patterns to construct powerful e-learning environments

    8th International Symposium on Computers in Education: proceedings : october 24-26th, León, Spain (Universidad de León), pp. 190-197


  1. Semantic web technologies applied to e-learning personalization in <e-aula>

    Journal of Universal Computer Science, Vol. 11, Núm. 9, pp. 1470-1481


  1. Desarrollo de cursos y de un sistema de enseñanza de acuerdo a estándares de E-learning: el proyecto <e-aula>

    En apoyo del aprendizaje en la universidad : hacia el espacio europeo de educación superior

  2. Designing a personalized e-learning experience using learning objects

    Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference WWW/INTERNET 2004: Madrid, Spain, October 6-9, 2004

  3. Extensión de estándares educativos para personalización aplicando tecnologías de la Web Semántica

    Informática educativa: nuevos retos