Publikationen (52) Publikationen von FRANCISCO CHANA RODRÍGUEZ


  1. Overview of fracture liaison services in the UK and Europe: Standards, model of care, funding, and challenges

    OTA International, Vol. 5, Núm. 3, pp. E198

  2. Recommendations from the ICM-VTE: Trauma

    Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery - American Volume, Vol. 104, pp. 280-308


  1. Hip fracture systems-European experience

    OTA International, Vol. 3, Núm. 1

  2. In vitro chondral culture under compression and shear stimuli. From mesenchymal stem cells to hyaline cartilage

    Revista Espanola de Cirugia Ortopedica y Traumatologia, Vol. 64, Núm. 6, pp. 380-387


  1. Lesiones traumáticas musculares y tendinosas

    Traumatología y ortopedia:: Generalidades (Elsevier), pp. 268-281

  2. Planificación preparatoria digital en artroplastia total de cadera

    Revista de la Sociedad Andaluza de Traumatología y Ortopedia, Vol. 36, Núm. 3, pp. 9-28

  3. Thromboprophylaxis Management in Surgical Patients: The Efficacy of a Protocol in the Electronic Prescription Program

    Quality management in health care, Vol. 28, Núm. 4, pp. 245-249

  4. Ultrasound-guided supra-acetabular pelvic external fixator (US-SA FIX)

    Injury, Vol. 50, pp. S24-S29


  1. 3D printing utility for surgical treatment of acetabular fractures

    Revista Espanola de Cirugia Ortopedica y Traumatologia, Vol. 62, Núm. 4, pp. 231-239

  2. 3D surgical printing for preoperative planning of trabecular augments in acetabular fracture sequel

    Injury, Vol. 49, pp. S36-S43


  1. 3D surgical printing and pre contoured plates for acetabular fractures

    Injury, Vol. 47, Núm. 11, pp. 2507-2511

  2. Ultra-minimally invasive ultrasound-guided carpal tunnel release: A randomized clinical trial

    Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine, Vol. 35, Núm. 6, pp. 1149-1157