Department: Lengua Española y Teoría Literaria

Faculty: Filología

Area: Spanish Language


Doctor by the Universidad de Málaga with the thesis Fundamentos acústico-perceptivos de la escisión prestigiosa de /θ/ estudio sociofonético en Málaga 2020. Supervised by Dr. Juan Andrés Villena Ponsoda, Dr. Antonio Manuel Ávila Muñoz.

Álvaro Molina García holds a PhD in Linguistics from the Universidad de Málaga (supervisor by Professor J. A. Villena Ponsoda) and works as Profesor Ayudante Doctor in the Universidad Complutense de Madrid since 2021. His doctoral thesis focuses on the process of reversal of the merger of coronal obstruents in southern Spanish, proposes a method for calculating acoustic distance based on a polar coordinate model and intends to incorporate the near-demerger concept into the scheme of phonological change. He pursues research in variationist sociolinguistics, acoustic-perceptual phonetics, syntax, and corpus linguistics. Dr. Molina García has been a research fellow for the Undergraduate, Master's and Doctoral degrees at the Universidad de Málaga. He has a degree in Filología Hispánica and a Master's degree in Estudios Superiores de Lengua Española from the Universidad de Málaga, as well as a Master's degree in Formación de Profesores de Español como Lengua Extranjera from the Universidad de Alcalá. Molina García has published in national and international journals (Spanish in Context, ELUA, LinRed), has attended numerous international conferences (New York, Budapest, Havana, Leeuwarden, Zürich, Brussel, etc.) and has carried out research stays in the Zürich Universität (Stephan Schmid) and the Universidad de Alcalá (Francisco Moreno Fernández and Ana Cestero Mancera). He has been part of national (FFI2015-68171-C5-1-P ; PID2019-104982GB-C52) and regional research projects for the Junta de Andalucía (UMA20-FEDERJA-013). He is also a member of the Vernacular Urbano Malagueño research group (VUM; HUM-392), directed by J. A. Villena Ponsoda, framed in the Proyecto para el Estudio Sociolingüístico del Español de España y de América (PRESEEA).