ÁLVARO JOSÉ TORRENTE SÁNCHEZ-GUISANDE-rekin lankidetzan egindako argitalpenak (5)


  1. musif: a Python package for symbolic music feature extraction

    Proceedings of the Sound and Music Computing Conferences


  1. The Musicology Lab: Teamwork and the Musicological Toolbox

    Music Encoding Conference Proceedings 2021, 19–22 July, 2021 University of Alicante (Spain): Onsite & Online (Universidad de Alicante / Universitat d'Alacant), pp. 9-20


  1. SymPlot: A Web-Tool to Visualise Symbolic Musical Data

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Visualisation

  2. ‘Misero pargoletto’: Kinship, Taboo and Passion in Metastasio’s Demofoonte

    Demofoonte come soggetto per il dramma per musica: Johann Adolf Hasse ed altri compositori del Settecento (Academia)