El sistema de determinación búlgaro en contraste con el español

  1. Gutiérrez García, Cecilia
Supervised by:
  1. Fernando Presa González Director
  2. Tania Dimitrova Láleva Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 04 September 2008

  1. Julia Mendoza Tuñón Chair
  2. Maya Krasteva Iónova Secretary
  3. Roberto Monforte Dupret Committee member
  4. Alejandro Hermida de Blas Committee member
  5. Enrique Santos Marinas Committee member
  1. Filología Alemana y Filología Eslava

Type: Thesis


A contrastive research, focused on the teaching of the Bulgarian language to native speakers of Spanish. We study the grammatical resources of Bulgarian standard contemporary language that are used in the expression of identifying determination in noun phrases in contrast with the linguistic units that form the category of definiteness of the noun phrase in Spanish.The purpose of this thesis is to reveal both the similarities and the differences, in the Bulgarian and the Spanish languages, between the article, the demonstratives and possessives employed as marks of identifying noun determination.The study is structured in six fundamental chapters: the first one covers the theoretical approach of the research and the last one the particular and general conclusions. The other four chapters constitute the body of the investigation, each one of them containing a description of linguistic facts, first in Spanish (L1), then in Bulgarian (L2) and, finally, the contrastive analysis of the data.The research approaches the morphological features of the definite article, the demonstratives and the possessives, that are used as marks of identifying noun determination, and their distribution in the noun phrase. In special, we describe and contrast their combinatorial possibilities with other linguistic units endowed with an actualizing vale (universal quantifier, indefinite quantifiers, distributive quantifier, particular quantifiers, and numeral quantifiers) and their linear location inside the noun phrase - relative both to these other elements, as to the noun made explicit within the noun phrase.