Cuestionario de evaluación del procesamiento estratégico de la información para universitarios (CPEI-U)

  1. Castellanos Cano, Silvia 1
  2. Martín Palacio, María Eugenia
  3. Cuesta Izquierdo, Marcelino 1
  4. García Cueto, Eduardo 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Oviedo

    Universidad de Oviedo

    Oviedo, España



ISSN: 1135-6855

Year of publication: 2011

Volume: 16

Issue: 2

Pages: 15-28

Type: Article

More publications in: REMA


The aim of this research it is to make an instrument of evaluation from a theoretical model of learning strategies for university students, is provided in front of existing questionnaires a Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) that allows to verify the theoretical adjustment of the instrument to the model. The final questionnaire, formed by 59 items, was applied to a sample of 442 university students. It provides data on its psychometric quality through the internal consistency of each factor, CFA and predictive validity obtained. The results show that through the AFC is confirmed that the multidimensional theoretical model achieves a reasonable fit to the empirical data, in addition there are reached high indexes of global internal consistency for each dimension.

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