A unique blueschist facies metapelite with Mg-rich chloritoid from the Badajoz-Córdoba Unit (SW Iberian Massif): correlation of Late Devonian high-pressure belts along the Variscan Orogen

  1. Arenas, R.
  2. Novo-Fernández, I.
  3. Garcia-Casco, A.
  4. Díez Fernández, R.
  5. Fuenlabrada, J.M.
  6. Pereira, M.F.
  7. Abati, J.
  8. Sánchez Martínez, S.
  9. Rubio Pascual, F.J.
International Geology Review

ISSN: 1938-2839 0020-6814

Year of publication: 2020

Pages: 1-24

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1080/00206814.2020.1789509 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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