Cárnicos funcionales enriquecidos en extracto de algarroba (Ceratonia siliqua, L.) en la prevención y tratamiento de la Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2

  1. Macho Gonzalez, Adrian
Supervised by:
  1. Francisco José Sánchez-Muniz Director
  2. A. Garcimartín Álvarez Director
  3. Sara Bastida Codina Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 07 July 2021

  1. María del Rosario Martín de Santos Chair
  2. Paulina Bermejo Benito Secretary
  3. Gaspar Francisco Ros Berruezo Committee member
  4. Inmaculada Tasset Cuevas Committee member
  5. José Alfredo Martínez Hernández Committee member
  1. Nutrición y Ciencia de los Alimentos

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 155650 DIALNET


Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) is a chronic pathology in which lifestyle habit modification, particularly those related to diet, continue to be the fundamental pillar of treatment. The consumption of natural origin bioactive compounds has proven to be an effective nutritional strategy to achieve better glycemic and lipemic control, which minimizes the impact of T2DM and its health complications.The carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua, L.) is a tree in the Fabaceae family that is widespread in the Mediterranean area, whose fruit has shown numerous technological and nutritional applications. In fact, there is scientific evidence that links its consumption, to an improvement in the most prevalent chronic-degenerative diseases in developed countries, such as T2DM. These improvements are mainly due to its high content of fiber and proanthocyanidins (PACs) responsible its antioxidant, anticancer, lipid-lowering, and antidiabetic effects...