Edublogs in foreign language teachingintegrating language and culture
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
ISSN: 1989-3302
Año de publicación: 2018
Título del ejemplar: Especial Veinte años de la blogosfera
Número: 20
Páginas: 86-101
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Revista Letral
Edublogs have traditionally been overlooked by scholars as they were not considered to be worthy of academic attention. Nevertheless, the pedagogic paradigm that now pervades has triggered a keen interest in the Web 2.0 and its resources. Students and teachers alike are facing great exposure to blogs, which have been conveniently transposed to the classrooms in all disciplines at all levels of education. Hereafter we will explore the use of edublogs for foreign language learning defending the stance that culture is a chief element that should not be taught separately from the target language that defines it. The target language should mediate learning, blurring all cleavage that may exist between culture and language. Edublogs–whether teacher blogs, student blogs or class blogs– stand as the perfect scenario for collaborative building of knowledge, where language is perfectly integrated in its culture. In this article we suggest the term: ‘CILTES’ Culture-Integrated Language Teaching in Edublog Scenarios as the key for effective language learning. The following research presents a new categorization of edublogs for language learning purposes enabling a closer look at the student-teacher tandem in relation to higher or lower presence of culture in blogs.
Información de financiación
1 This article has been developed by the author with the support of the Programa de Financiación de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid–Santander Universidades of Spain.Financiadores
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