Department: Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y Paleontología

Faculty: Ciencias Geológicas

Area: External Geodynamics

Research group: Geomorfología ambiental y de riesgos


Julio Garrote Revilla has developed his professional activity, first as an FPU fellow in the Department of Geodynamics, Faculty of Geological Sciences, at the Complutense University of Madrid (2000-2003); and later in the Natural Hazards Area of the IGME (2004-2005). Subsequently as university professor at: the Polytechnic School of the University Alfonso X - El Sabio (2004-2005); the Polytechnic School of the European University of Madrid (2008- 2011); and the Faculty of Geology, Complutense University of Madrid (2011-2015 as Adjunct Professor; 2015-2020 as Assistant Professor; and 2020-present as Associate Professor). His lines of research focus on three areas: firstly, testing new methodologies and techniques for the analysis of flood hazard and risk and its cartographic expression; in particular, the application of geological-geomorphological methods to improve the estimation of the frequency and magnitude of torrential floods, and cost-benefit analysis for the implementation of measures to mitigate the economic risk of floods. Secondly, in the application of fluvial and relief morphometric techniques in the study of the evolution of fluvial networks and the external conditions to this evolution, mainly the effect of neotectonics. Finally, and associated with the four years of R&D contract at the Centro de Estudios Hidrográficos (CEH) of CEDEX, the topics related to hydrology, and hydrodynamics of rivers. I have taught regulated university teaching in three different universities (UCM, UEM, UAX), participating in multiple subjects over 12 academic years (mainly subjects of Geomorphology, and Natural Hazards Analysis). He is currently professor of: Degree in Geology (UCM) and Master in Environmental Geology (MUGA-UCM). He also participates as a teacher in the Master RHYMA of the UMA, in the last 5 editions of the same. He has attended a wide variety of specialization and postgraduate courses, as well as innovation and teaching improvement courses. On the other hand, I have taught in 6 training courses for technical staff (ENPC, IGME), two of them abroad (El Salvador and Honduras, in both cases for members of the Ministries of Environment of these countries). He has co-directed 26 projects of Master Thesis.