Department: Estudios Ingleses: Lingüística y Literatura

Faculty: Filología

Area: English Philology


Personal web:

Doctor by the Universitat de Barcelona with the thesis Of heroes and victims Jess Walter’s The Zero and the satirical post-9/11 novel 2017. Supervised by Dr. Elena Losada Soler, Dr. Cristina Alsina Rísquez.

Dolores Resano is Assistant Professor of Literature in the Department of English Studies. She obtained her PhD at the Universitat de Barcelona with a dissertation on the satirical post-9/11 novel The Zero (2017; extraordinary award, international mention). Her current research is focused on 21st-century US literature, with a special interest in the intersections between "negative" affect, precarity studies, and the rise of right-wing populisms in recent years. She was formerly an Irish Research Council and Marie Skłodowska-Curie postdoctoral fellow at the Clinton Institute for American Studies, University College Dublin, Ireland (2018-2023), as well as Visiting Scholar at Dartmouth College in the United States (2020-2022). She is part of the research team at ADHUC-Research Center for Theory, Gender, and Sexuality (Universitat de Barcelona) and of the project "(Un)Housing. Dwellings, Materiality, and the Self in American Literature" (PID2020-115172GB-I00) funded by MINECO. She is also a board member of the Irish Association for American Studies (IAAS) and co-editor in chief of the journal Lectora: Journal of Women and Textuality. Her most recent publication is the edited volume American Literature in the Era of Trumpism: Alternative Realities (Palgrave, 2022), as well as articles and book chapters on contemporary American literature and the impact of Trumpism on American television and fiction.