Catedrática de universidad
Profesora ayudante doctora
Publications by the researcher in collaboration with ÁGUEDA GIL LÓPEZ (17)
Las dinámicas empresariales del crecimiento económico de Madrid (1886-1935)
Investigaciones de Historia Económica
Networks throughout an institutional transition: the case of the former Meliá touristic group (1932-1978)
Management & Organizational History, Vol. 19, Núm. 1, pp. 57-79
Building an enterprise for the future through network bricolage and memories of the past
Collective Entrepreneurship in the Contemporary European Services Industries: A Long Term Approach (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.), pp. 95-116
Collective entrepreneurship in the spanish hotel industry: The internationalization of a domestic cluster
Collective Entrepreneurship in the Contemporary European Services Industries: A Long Term Approach (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.), pp. 11-28
German Capital and the development of the Spanish hotel industry (1950s-1990s): A tale of two strategic alliances
Business History, Vol. 65, Núm. 4, pp. 762-786
Bricolage and Innovation in the Emergence and Development of the Spanish Tourism Industry
Enterprise & Society, pp. 1-43
Contextualizing corporate entrepreneurship theory: the historical case of the Spanish engineering consulting firm TYPSA (1966-2000)
Management and Organizational History, Vol. 16, Núm. 3-4, pp. 228-254
Emprendimiento público y privado en la configuración del transporte urgente español
Investigaciones de Historia Económica = Economic History Research, Vol. 17, Núm. 1, pp. 1-14
Networking from Home to Abroad: The Internationalization of The Iberostar Group
The Palgrave Handbook of Family Firm Internationalization, pp. 327-360
Oportunidades y respuestas emprendedoras en la historia del transporte urgente
Revista de historia industrial, Núm. 81, pp. 21-53
The Visible Hand of corporate entrepreneurship in state-owned enterprises: a longitudinal study of the Spanish National Postal Operator
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal
At the Crossroads. Management and Business History in Entrepreneurship Research
Journal of evolutionary studies in business, Vol. 1, Núm. 2, pp. 156-200
100 familias que cambiaron el mundo: Las empresas familiares y la industralización
Fundación Jesús Serra
As old as history: Family-controlled business groups in transport services: the case of SEUR
Business History, Vol. 56, Núm. 8, pp. 1201-1222
La mirada del Ejército sobre la industria: artilleros e ingenieros ante la segunda oleada industrializadora
Revista de historia militar, Año 57, Núm. 2, pp. 197-238
70 años de entrega. SEUR 1942-2012
Eunsa. Ediciones Universidad de Navarra
David y Goliat: la industria cerillera española en perspectiva internacional (1892-1956)
Revista de historia industrial, Núm. 48, pp. 51-80