Publikationen (120) Publikationen von ELENA DOMÍNGUEZ ROMERO


  1. Effective Stance in Conservative Newspaper Opinion Articles on Irregular Immigration and Refugee Humanitarian Crises

    Alicante Journal of English Studies / Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses: RAEI, Núm. 41, pp. 7-29

  2. Reported Speech in Opinion Newspaper Articles and PoliticalSpeeches: An English/Spanish Contrastive Approach

    Constructional and Cognitive Explorations of Contrastive Linguistics (Springer Suiza), pp. 240-260

  3. Systems Biology in ELIXIR: modelling in the spotlight

    F1000Research, Vol. 11

  4. Towards a stance de-centring model for the foreign language classroom: Training 21st-century agents of change

    Thinking Skills and Creativity, Vol. 54


  1. Art and technology for listening comprehension: A multimodal framework for classroom implementation of self-created videos

    Rethinking Multimodal Literacy in Theory and Practice (Peter Lang AG), pp. 141-162

  2. Benefits and drawbacks of using social networking sites in higher education: The case of facebook as a transmedia english-language teaching tool

    Teaching Languages with Screen Media: Pedagogical Reflections (Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.), pp. 179-198

  3. Epistemic stance in opinion newspaper articles and political speeches: An English/Spanish contrastive approach

    Stance, Inter/Subjectivity and Identity in Discourse (Peter Lang AG), pp. 75-99

  4. Evidentiality and epistemic modality: Conceptual and descriptive issues

    Peter Lang AG, pp. 1-413

  5. Exploring image choice impact on university students’ cognition and reading comprehension processes: some pedagogical implications

    Innovación en la enseñanza de lenguas: mejoras docentes para el aprendizaje del siglo XXI (Dykinson), pp. 86-116

  6. Including diversity through cinema-based affective literacy practices: A case study with EFL/ESL pre-service teachers

    Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, Vol. 17, Núm. 4, pp. 859-871

  7. Instagram as a learning tool to improve technical vocabulary for sports science students

    Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Education, Vol. 32

  8. Kinesic communication in traditional and digital contexts: An exploratory study of ESP undergraduate students

    System, Vol. 115

  9. Rethinking internationalization processes: toward a circular framework

    Review of Managerial Science

  10. Rethinking multimodal literacy in theory and practice

    Peter Lang AG, pp. 1-296

  11. Students’ Perceptions of Digital Oral Skills Development in ESP University Students: Strengths and Weaknesses in Digital Communication in the COVID World

    English Language Education (Springer Science and Business Media B.V.), pp. 85-107

  12. Towards a Quality Standardized Technological Education in Spain: A Case Study With EFL Preservice Teachers

    Journal of Research in Applied Linguistics, Vol. 14, Núm. 2, pp. 55-66

  13. Ver-Based Evidential Re/Positioning Strategies in Conservative Digital Newspaper Readers’ Comments on Controversial Immigration Policies in Spanish

    Languages, Vol. 8, Núm. 3


  1. Análisis de corpus del discurso multimodal para el aprendizaje del inglés para fines específicos. Hacia la comunicación efectiva del siglo xxi

    Working with corpora and digital tools in language and translation studies: practical issues and methodological challenges (Guillermo Escolar), pp. 67-96

  2. El uso del libro electrónico modular MEM para la clase invertida: efectividad e impacto en las carreras técnicas

    Docencia para el siglo XXI : avances metodológicos y nuevas estrategias (Tirant Humanidades), pp. 123-135

  3. Evidentiality in Galician

    Evidential Marking in European Languages: Toward a Unitary Comparative Account (De Gruyter Mouton), pp. 331-370