Publications by the researcher in collaboration with ARACELI REDONDO CUENCA (9)


  1. Edible plant by-products as source of polyphenols: prebiotic effect and analytical methods

    Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, Vol. 63, Núm. 31, pp. 10814-10835

  2. Influence of high-pressure processing on nutritional composition and bioactive compounds of Phaseolus coccineus L

    Journal of Food Science, Vol. 87, Núm. 12, pp. 5289-5302

  3. Okara: a soybean by-product with interesting properties in nutrition and health

    Phytochemicals in Soybeans: Bioactivity and Health Benefits (CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group), pp. 259-284


  1. Cerveza sin gluten, métodos de elaboración

    Technifood, Vol. Dossier Cervezas, pp. 112-114


  1. Influencia de los absorbedores de volátiles sobre la calidad del tomate en el transporte.

    Maduración y post-recolección de frutos y hortalizas. (Ed CSIC), pp. 343-347